2024 Projects and Goals

The Ahyiayemu Healthcare Center

This healthcare clinic serves nine villages around Kontonso and does this with only 23 nurses and one motorized vehicle between all nine of them.

More motorcycles and tricycles are needed to help transport patients to the villages and transport severe cases to a larger medical facility. Villagers are dying because these dedicated nurses can’t get to them.

Furthermore, there is only one exam bed in the facility. That means if there were three women having a baby at the same time, two of those women would be on the floor while only one has a table to birth their child. Additionally, there are not enough nebulizers available for breathing emergencies or vaccines for preventive care.

Our goal is to raise funds to support the ability to care for the elderly in these outlying villages, support mothers giving birth, provide vaccines for children, and address critical emergencies.

The healthcare center covers one of our four pillars.


Poverty is a complex issue with many roots.  One of the many causes of poverty in Ghana is the lack of access to education.  It has been stated that every person without an education lives in poverty, but those who live in extreme poverty absolutely lack access to a basic education. According to UNESCO, if all students in low-income countries had just basic reading skills (nothing else), an estimated 171 million people could escape extreme poverty. If all adults completed secondary education, we could cut the global poverty rate by more than half.

In the villages where we work, 100% of the villagers live below the poverty level of $1.95 per day.  The children are kept out of school to find work with their parents, usually the mother.  This means that the children will grow up expecting their children to work...and the cycle of poverty continues.

Education can be the great equalizer and for the villagers increased understanding of farming practices as well as the basic literacy of reading, writing, and mathematics will open a vast number of doors for them in everyday life. 


Ghana - Population: 26Mil

  • 791 Physicians in the entire country provide services in 172 under-equipped hospitals

    • 10 anesthesiologists

    • 16 pediatricians

    • 24 internists

    • 24 orthopedics

    • 5 radiology technicians

    • 51 surgeons

    • 15 neurosurgeons

    • 466 general practitioners

  • The World Health Organization has determined that a ration of 20 physicians per 100,000 people (1:5,000) should be global standard. Ghana currently has one physician for every 32,870 people

  • 47% of recently trained medical professionals serve abroad attracted to more lucrative positions

  • Communicable diseases (e.g. malaria, HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and vaccine-preventable diseases) remain the main cause of infant mortality

  • Outbreaks of meningitis, cholera and guinea worm and common

  • Maternal mortality in a national emergency

  • The failure to understand personal medical management continues to be a major hindrance to effective health care

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