Our Story


In 2006, Jim Sullivan, a retired minister and businessman, made a pilgrimage to Ghana, West Africa. There he witnessed the desperate condition of the country with its widespread and unimaginable poverty, the overwhelming lack of basic infrastructure, a virtually non-existent education system, poor access to health care, and little opportunity for jobs. Jim returned to the U.S. intent on finding a way to help.

In 2007, Operation Dignity International (ODI) was launched. The first year was spent building a foundation for ODI’s work in Ghana, organizing a board of directors, and developing a mission and vision based on Jim’s discovery’s and conversations on his trip.

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In 2008, Jim returned to Ghana and spent eight months exploring the villages, meeting with the elders, and learning about the country’s culture as well as the greatest needs facing Ghana today. He listened and worked with the leaders in the community to sketch out a plan for development. They also discussed the role ODI would play in empowering Ghanaians to support themselves and move forward economically.

Community leaders, elders, and volunteers continue to come forward to help. ODI has identified eager and capable partners in Ghana including project managers and support team members. Community leaders have actively participated in the planning of these projects and will participate in the process as the projects grow. This teamwork will result in a greater benefit to the community as Ghanaians realize their dreams for themselves, their families, and their country.

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Jim and his wife Kathy are still very involved in Operation Dignity International. Jim is the president and founder while Kathy manages the day to day business and recruiting. Together they partner with the Ghanaians to increase the possibilities for eradicating poverty in the central part of Ghana. Their platform is to carry the “dreams” of the villagers to America, fill the gaps with information and finances, and introduce to others how they can join the team.


 A Brief History

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  • 2006- Jim made his first trip to Ghana

  • 2007- Operation Dignity International was formed

  • 2008-2010- Jim spent time in Ghana discovering the need and people to partner with

  • 2010- First investment trip; Ghanaian executive team appointed

  • 2011- First leadership Development seminars with community leaders, pastors and businesses

    (over 300 people have been in our leadership seminars since that initial class)

  • 2011- first medical team

  • 2012- Leadership training for businesses and churches

  • 2013- First dental team

  • 2013- First project development leader from US sent to Ghana

                   First test cases (5) to support youth in education and vocation training

  • 2014- first staff person, focus is on leadership development


To date ODI has:

  • Coordinated 11 short-term Dignity Trips (with various backgrounds in medical, dental, etc) to care for the under-served in Ghana

  • Built five fish ponds, and we are on our third cycle of fish production and beginning to see results!

  • Supported three children in school, five young women in vocational training, and have provided two micro-loans as test cases for future development

  • Worked with a project development manager in Adagya

  • Developed a master site plan for the medical complex in Trede

  • Beginning of a micro loan program with gently used product shipped from the US to Ghana. Ghana has raised the investment money for this project! Yay for them!