Transforming lives from barely surviving to thriving.
Our vision is to create sustainability for every child, every family, every village designed to increase everyday wellbeing. That sustainability includes economic development with farming and other entrepreneur opportunities, access to education and healthcare, and assurance in their faith in God.
Listen to and show Dignity to the people of Ghana and their culture.
Community - We value the inherent strength and resilience of the village and community. We rely on their wisdom, tradition, and experience to identify needs, set priorities, and define how we work together.
Dignity- We uphold the dignity of every person, respecting every individual for who they are and what they hope for in their lives. We create an environment where all people feel safe, hopeful, and valued.
Collaboration- We believe in the power of collaboration to create meaningful, sustainable change. We embrace our different roles as partners.
Relationships- We recognize the power of connection and nurture the relationships we develop within the villages and people with whom we work in Ghana.
Integrity- We hold ourselves to high standards and live up to our commitments to our program participants, neighbors, organizational partners, and the broader community.
Operation Dignity International desires to invest in the people of Ghana by developing and equipping their cultural leaders in order for them to become change agents in their communities by closing the information gap and fostering positive change by providing tools and resources for enterprise development, health and human services, technology, and virtue-based leadership. These elements will drive community development and serve as the vehicles for reducing systemic poverty, increasing employment opportunities, improving healthcare, and ultimately, enabling Ghanaians to become self-sufficient.
Ultimately we want to see each Ghanaian have the freedom to make choices for themselves. Choices such as what to eat, not if they will eat. Choices that include education for the children rather than working at the young age of 6 years to help with food for the family. Choices to have access to healthcare rather than death in childbirth, death from malaria and typhoid, and even something as simple as immediate meds for snake bites.
Our passion is to provide a respectful partnership and shared vision with the Ghanaians that fosters cooperation, communication, and a commitment to individual and community development. we want to accomplish this by a respectful partnership as we use the goals of the Ghanaians is what determines our movement and actions. Our efforts support their need for safety and security, community, and becoming part of a greater purpose.
Their goals are:
· The ability to earn a living, to provide for their families, to not walk so many miles to find work
· To be proud of accomplishments, learning, and personal growth.
· To plan for the future as well as today.
· 100% of the school-age children able to attend school.
· 100% of literacy for everyone in the villages.
· Agricultural learning within the school system.
· 100% access to preventive care such as immunizations and well-care visits.
· 100% access to acute and chronic maladies such as uncontrollable fever and diarrhea from malaria and typhoid.
· 100% access to acute medical care such as accidents and snake bites.
10 year goal:
Create thriving villages where people are utilizing their passions and talents to do the work God has placed them on this earth to do. As well as allow the youth the opportunity to grow up educated and healthy with the ability to stay in their towns and build a better life for themselves and future generations.