We did not have a clue - until it happened

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This lovely lady, Cindy, joined us on one of our first medical teams to Ghana.  She was not trained in medicines and she wasn't sure how significant her contribution would be to our team.

On one of the hot steamy days, she nonchalantly picked up a book to read to a child who was waiting for a family member.  You can see the doll in her hand signaling she had just seen the doctor herself. 

It wasn't with any expectation, but executed with genuine enjoyment, Cindy began to read to this child.  The amazement from team members, from the little girl, from other villagers -  was profound.

One of our very dear and heartfelt customs in the U.S. is to read to our children. 

Now imagine you as a parent cannot read.

Imagine the child is unable to attend school and learn to read for themselves.

What an image and insight were presented to us in that one thoughtful moment. 

It became unmistakably obvious to us a need we had not considered.

Operation Dignity International is profoundly moved and motivated after this and many recognizable and understandable moments.  We carry the banner of helping parents and children move beyond the hindrance of literacy to the enjoyment of sharing such moments with their children, family, and other villagers.

Transforming lives from barely surviving to thriving.


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